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Driving advancements in drug discovery and research in the life sciences and pharmaceutical industries through innovative technology solutions.

Chart a course for efficiency and excellence in the dynamic pharmaceutical landscape with advanced, vertically-focused technology expertise.

Pharma and Life sciences technology solution

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Orchestrating success in pharma and life sciences technology

Bespoke tech solutions to orchestrate precision in drug discovery, clinical trials, and personalized medicine.

Objective Icon
Initiative Icon
Improve patient recruitment and retention in trials
Enhance patient engagement and gather insights
  • Custom patient-centric platforms for trial engagement and remote monitoring
  • Implement mobile applications for patient education and adherence monitoring
  • Deploy Natural Language Processing (NLP) for data extraction at scale
drug development
Accelerate drug development timelines
  • Implement advanced analytics for predictive modeling in preclinical research.
  • Integrate real-world evidence with electronic health records for efficient clinical trial design.
  • Predict trial outcome with simulation modeling
Optimize supply chain operations
Enhance supply chain resilience and traceability
  • Enhance demand forecasting and inventory management with intelligent data analytics
  • Deploy custom dashboards to gain inventory visibility across supply chain
  • Implement AI-enabled risk management platforms
Simplify regulatory compliance processes
Accelerate regulatory compliance with Gen AI
  • Implement Gen-AI powered automated compliance monitoring.
  • Deploy intelligent document lifecycle management solutions.
  • Access updated databases and tools for global regulatory requirements.
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drug discovery
Fast track drug discovery with Gen AI initiatives
  • Implement Gen AI-enhanced virtual screening for drug discovery
  • Identify suitable targets with Gen-AI algorithms
  • Predict new therapeutic indications of existing drugs using ML
Optimize and bring predictability to bioprocesses
Implement Gen-AI operations to manage bioprocesses
  • Monitor bioprocesses parameters in real-time and adjust conditions for increased efficiency.
  • Deploy machine learning to automate anomaly detection and correction.
  • Develop predictive models for bioreactor performance based on historical data.
biomarker discovery
Improve biomarker discovery using Gen AI-enhanced omics data analysis
  • Implement scalable processing of large-scale omics datasets with Gen AI.
  • Deploy AI capable of real-time biomarker identification.
  • Facilitate seamless integration of omic data from multiple platforms.
Improve clinical
trial design
Implement adaptive trial design with Gen AI
  • Build a dedicated platform to conduct adaptive trials.
  • Implement Gen AI algorithms for dynamic patient stratification.
  • Deploy intelligent protocol design automation with ML
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Accelerated Drug Discovery
Introduce cutting edge medical equipment that solves unmet needs
  • Use Gen AI to enhance features, optimize device performance, and enable predictive maintenance capabilities.
  • Facilitate team collaboration with a cloud-based R&D platform.
  • Implement Gen AI to develop a digital twin and predict performance of planned devices.
Modernize manufacturing operations
Implement cloud architecture for digital manufacturing transformation
  • Monitor process in real-time with cloud-connected manufacturing execution systems.
  • Enhance quality control with AI-driven image recognition and data analytics.
  • Bring visibility to supply chain operations with cloud-based solutions and Gen AI.
Enhance device regulatory compliance
Implement Gen AI and cloud-based systems to accelerate medical device compliance
  • Manage regulatory documents and facilitate collaboration on regulatory tasks with a cloud-based repository
  • Automate compliance checks with Gen AI
  • Utilize a cloud-based platform to maintain secure and accessible audit trails, ensuring traceability
Increase RoI from product lifecycle management
Enhance PLM with Gen AI initiatives
  • Optimize product development with cloud-based PLM systems
  • Improve product design efficiency with cloud-based collaboration platforms
  • Root out inefficiencies in product manufacturing with Gen-AI and Cloud-enabled risk management.
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Improve genetic variation and association insights
Enhance the analysis of large-scale genomic data
  • Develop AI to recognize patterns, mutations, and associations within genomic data
  • Deploy AI tools to prioritize genetic variants based on their potential significance in disease or biological processes.
  • Create interactive Gen AI-driven tools for researchers to visually explore and analyze genomic data.
Boost cellular structure and abnormality identification
Improve analysis of complex biological images
  • Recognize and classify cell types within biological images with Gen AI
  • Enhance the resolution and quality of biological images for clearer analysis.
  • Train AI models to detect pathological features within medical imaging data.
Enhance infectious disease research
Improved pathogen detection with Gen AI
  • Analyze genomic data for rapid identification and characterization of pathogens
  • Develop AI algorithms for image analysis to enhance the detection of pathogens in medical imaging and microscopy.
  • Implement predictive modeling to assess the potential impact of emerging pathogens on public health.
Simplify access to knowledge resources
Find and share relevant data from disparate sources
  • Implement Gen AI to find semantic information, relationships, and key concepts from scientific texts.
  • Automatically generate concise summaries of research papers.
  • Enhance NLP models to understand the context of scientific terms and concepts within diverse research domains.
Objective Icon
Initiative Icon
Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Objective Icon
Initiative Icon
Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Objective Icon
Initiative Icon
Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Objective Icon
Initiative Icon
Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Accelerated Drug Discovery
Data extraction & model development

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs,

Innovative technology solutioning
for pharma & lifesciences

Empowering CIOs in Pharma & Lifesciences with a strategic compass for precise alignment with industry-specific tech initiatives. Request for a case study here.

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Pharma & Life Sciences

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Drug Discovery and What’s Next

Explore the role of AI and machine learning in drug discovery and stay informed about the future of pharmaceutical research. Read now!

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Pharma & Life Sciences

AI in Pharmaceutical Industry: 8 Use Cases & Challenges

Discover how AI revolutionizes the pharmaceutical industry: drug discovery, personalized medicine, patient monitoring, and more. Read now!

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Pharma & Life Sciences

RPA in Pharmaceutical Industry 2024: Latest Trends & Applications

Explore the latest trends and applications of RPA in the pharmaceutical industry. Learn how RPA is improving efficiency, productivity, and accuracy in drug discovery, clinical trials, and more.

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Data & AI

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Card Placholder image
Data & AI

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Card Placholder image
Data & AI

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Real impact stories: Hear from leaders in the industry

We've made significant leaps in the execution of our technology initiatives and much of this should also be credited to Ideas2IT being an incredible partner. Our collaborations have impacted positively across stakeholders at our company

Large Pharmaceutical Manufacturer
Chief Information Officer

We had to re-platform our legacy applications and the pain of reverse engineering business logic was extremely difficult. Ideas2IT took ownership of this which allowed us to make critical decisions on our modernization initiatives

Pharma Research
Director of Technology Initiatives

Talk to Rob

Over 2 decades of technology consulting and sales experience specifically working with enterprises in the Healthcare ecosystem. Rob will be glad to connect and whiteboard your priority technology initiatives.

Rob Lang