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Quality “Matters”

As I onboarded into a technically powerful, an innovative and a customer oriented Aircraft called “ Ideas2it -Leading Dot Net Development Company “ taking charge of an important and an interesting piece called “Quality Matters “ :)First thing that I am seeing is a very “ ’happy’ening” place , a great team - a good attitude , a thirst to learn and grow .Think I am in the right place.By way of introduction – you can relate me as someone who passionate about Quality and Testing, Innovation, loves to work on something exciting towards growth of the organization and a people-people person. When it was suggested that I write a blog – I was wondering what to write to make it interesting - I am going to share some perspectives on what we are upto and what we will be upto in the coming months.Some cool interaction with the Team /Leads of the various Business Units like the Products , Mobility and Web got me to understand fairly about where we are and where we ought to go. The very common statement that I heard was that – “ We need to optimize our process further “ or “ We must move further up in the value chain in Testing ” or “ We should automate more “ or “ Many mobile Projects now we need to further automate “ .We started the Top down and bottoms-up as 2 parallel track and it will converge at one point in time.I bumped into preparing the Training stuff for “Enlite” ( hope it Enightens everyone !!!) aimed towards making the teams aware of Wholesome and End to End Quality messaging that this will truly have our customer delighted and contribute towards organization growth .This is a light weight training which has very easy to relate examples like what would you look for when you were to take your parents to a restaurant with your first salary and you want it to be the best.. We expect a great Customer experience, a great quality of food – The best by all ways. That’s exactly our customer’s look from us. Fun Apart- it would prove beneficial session for our people as we go by as we are now the Quality custodians who are working in transforming the environment from a Quality angle which would result in customer satisfaction & future growth. The Revolution is on…..I know the word called “checklist” is a fab – but I see that it as a collation of all the best practices, past mistakes ( now I would rather call it as learning’s ) converted into a laundry list for people to check all aspects whether it is UI, functionality , Performance, security – this would become like a developers checklist so that we can bring in the “Quality matters” Early in the game . Earlier the better towards Self driven Quality saves lot of effort and gives long term gains. That sounds interesting said than done but we got started fervently into this journey. So we built various laundry list for Mobile UI, QA Checklists, Must know pointers – We are now taking it to the teams for getting it implemented.Mobile Practice growth is quite in a jet speed and we had to set things in place – we had couple of days of interactions with people who communicate in the Android and iOS language !! . Some thumb rules – All code to be code reviewed and Unit Tested and we really saw that Sonar and Jenkins can be used to review the code and automate the build process. Checklist items are configured and Build are getting created only if the code review has passed successfully .Great knowledge Sharing happening here!. Other tools like XCTest for iOS and JUnit for Android are also getting into use. So we are heading on a Continuous Integration in reality.For Testers, Thumb rule – No Compromise on Quality and no testing without test cases. Considering the fitment of Appium – Testers are waiting grab Automation chunk!!!. Not to forget we have our ownMobile lab and Reusable Assets.So the Aircraft with the new Quality piece is ready to Take off ! Ending with an inspirational quote from our beloved former President Late Shri Abdul Kalam“All birds find shelter during a rain. But Eagles avoid rain by flying above the clouds. Problems are common, but attitude make the difference”

Ideas2IT Team

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