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Technology Innovation at Ideas2IT

Since the beginning, we’ve been very clear that we want to be different from other IT services companies. We wanted to build a high-quality product engineering studio, one that is constantly innovating & evolving as the world of tech evolves. But what did we really mean by ‘product engineering’?

  • Proactively developing competency in emerging technologies like AI and Blockchain
  • Bringing creative solutioning and product thinking to the table, rather than blindly following requirement documents

A key reason for our success has been our ability to predict the next big thing in tech and invest early in that. Our thought leadership in technology, aided by our work with bleeding edge Silicon Valley startups has helped us. For instance, about 5 years ago, when people were chasing BigData and Hadoop competencies, we hired hard core PhDs & mathematicians to grow our data science practice. And it has panned out really well. Similarly we formed a partnership with Washington DC based Blockchain consultant early on and now have one of the best Blockchain teams in India.Our Big Bets:We’re currently focusing on 3 key areas:

  • Data Science: We’ve been building a really high-end team full of Ivy league grads and PhDs, and have delivered key projects for both startups & global enterprises
  • IoT: We’ve built our own platform called for predictive analytics and preventive maintenance of factory assets. We’re expecting this to be a big part of our 2019 plan
  • Blockchain: We formed a partnership with a DC-based firm to work on blockchain projects - in 2017. Since then, we’ve built our own in-house team and are one of the few companies in India to have delivered production-ready projects in Hyperledger & Ethereum.

Just to give you a taste of what we are working on, here are a few of our interesting projects:Asset.360:Ideas2IT's IIoT Center of excellence provides services at the intersection of Data Science and Manufacturing, redefining the micro economics of production floor. Our Factory.360 platform provides a 360(degree) view of the happenings in the factories from production to maintenance, for various stakeholders from CEO to Plant Manager in real time. Our AI based Predictive Analytics leverages Deep Learning, and AI logics like KRR to deduce patterns based on historical data and external data from sensors to give insights such as plant-wise performance, factors contributing to machine failure, identify risks and optimize machine efficiency etc.

Factory 360 platform

Blockchain-based IIoT Security Platform:Our Blockchain-based IIoT security solution offers end-to-end encryption along with decentralized data storage to securely manage all connected devices and their communications.Product features:

  • Device Tamper-Proofing: Creates and captures device fingerprints on Blockchain that help in unauthorized/malicious attacks.
  • Proactive Threat Detection: Deploys Artificial Intelligence to map Device/Traffic Behaviour and form patterns which pick out anomalies based on behaviour.
  • Identity Management: Enables creation of users, security groups and policies for devices, applications and people to enable secure cooperation and data exchange. Enforces Policies centrally through Smart Contracts. Secures device passwords by holding them on the immutable Blockchain.
  • Audit and Compliance: Covers Audit and Compliance across various layers of devices and applications by creating best behaviour and device transaction entries onto the Blockchain. The enduring and immutable nature of Blockchain enables auditors to get complete visibility.
Blockchain-based IIoT Security Platform:

Price prediction and Inflation analytics:This product was for a retail client who wanted to predict products whose prices would be down, and suggest those products to end customers. We generated various analytics reports that gave business insights such as:

  • compare prices across retail chains, regions and brands
  • predict the price of a given product in a given store for the next 4 weeks to help purchasing decisions
  • calculate inflation of Australia as a whole and for individual states

Security monitoring solution:This product will detect anomalies in user authentication on the network (including the Cloud) based on the behavioral analytics. Millions of metrics across various data sources such as user activities, configurations, network traffic, and logs were continuously analyzed for predicting malicious or anomalous activities.Few add-ons to the main solution that we built are:

  • Proactive recommendations will be given by system for the user to take swift actions.
  • End-to-end view of the entire network topology in the public cloud, including ingress, egress, and internal traffic.
  • NLP based search to easily search and sift through the inventory data.
  • AI-powered alert correlation to eliminate alert fatigue

Alluminate: S&P 500 for Crypto:This product assigns multiple scores to each asset (cryptocurrencies) that allows investors to make critical evaluations.

  • Enables investors, researchers, lawyers and analysts to measure each cryptocurrency based on a set of quantitative and qualitative dimensions by assigning multiple scores to each asset. Displays historical and daily pricing and volume information on 1200 cryptocurrencies and hundreds of new ICOs being launched on a daily basis from around 7 websites.
  • Collects data such as market cap, price, volume of trading, % change in price, around 10 social website handles, etc and analyzes these data to provide key scoring metrics. These scoring metrics allow investors to make critical evaluations. Investors can gain perspective on the market's sentiment regarding the currency using twitter posts and search results in google trends.
  • Streams live trading data from exchanges for each currency. A live ticker allows users to view continuous changes in price for each asset and it is integrated with market allowing users to purchase and sell currencies through the application.
  • Users have the ability to add currencies into their portfolio, create watchlists to get notified about changes in prices of currencies, as well as create customized alerts for each currency that allows them to make critical purchase decisions.

A distributed Supercomputer harnessing unused machine power:Built around a new age blockchain framework Nebulas, this global distributed computing platform leverages the computing power of users’ machines, from PCs to entire data centers. This platform can be used for multiple purposes, including decentralized IoT app and Web 3.0 applications, game servers, multimedia streaming, dApps & storage.It has 4 components:

A distributed Supercomputer harnessing unused machine power

In addition to all this, in 2018 alone, 2 of our products went on to receive funding from investors. We also have several other product ideas in the pipeline, and would consider taking them up in 2019. We work on a lot of client projects as well, that range from startups to big enterprises. You could be a part of this journey too. By joining us, you’d be in a company that is always ahead, always innovating and always succeeding. If you think you’re up for it, we’d love to have you here!

Ideas2IT Team

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